Making De-Stressing Normal

It is hard to avoid stress in life, I could go so far as to say that no one is immune from it. And now with technology being everywhere we are also faced with information and social media overload. We have to work harder to consciously “unplug”.

Recently I started working with children in childcare centres teaching yoga. I was struck with the feeling of “man I wish this was around when I was their age” and the thought “wouldn’t it be great if this was normal”. Wouldn’t it be great if it was normal from childhood to have healthy habits of relaxing, and de-stressing, and checking back in with yourself. Wouldn’t it be great when I am feeling stressed or anxious to naturally respond with some tools to navigate out of it. Sure, before the inundation of media it may have not been as necessary and now we require these antidotes to these unavoidable stresses. But also, how beautiful would it be for this to just be normal.

You can categorise whatever way you choose to destress and unplug as self care if you like, or whatever works for you. But, I pose the question to you: What do you do to check back in with yourself and destress regularly? And is this a part of normal daily life for you?

If this isn’t normal for you yet, what can you do to start?

Can you take 5 minutes to meditate? Or take a half hour walk without your phone? Is it sitting or standing outside with your bare feet on the ground to earth for 15 minutes to half an hour? Or is it even taking 10 deep breaths?

We would love to hear from you about what you do or will start doing to gift yourself that peace of mind!

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